The data from informal and formal assessments is used to provide teachers with valuable information to guide their instruction according to student needs. Informal assessments include daily observations of students. For example, a first-grade teacher might note students’ use of strategies to decode unknown words and how students relate text to their own personal experiences. Formal assessments include screeners, benchmark assessments, and/or unit assessments. Formal assessments are administered at different times during the school year. These daily and periodic checks provide information that helps the teacher to understand each student as a learner and plan instruction to meet the needs of individuals in their classrooms. Some formal assessments include:
DIBELS Literacy Screening: All K-2 students are assessed three times a year using the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills). The DIBELS consist of several one-minute probes that are indicators that children are on track to be successful in learning to read.
mClass Math: This assessment measures all students’ proficiency with mathematical fundamental skills.
NWEA – MAP (Measures of Academic Progress): This standardized assessment is administered to our first and second graders in the fall and spring. It measures growth and proficiency in reading and math.
NYSESLAT (NYS English as a Second Language Achievement Test): This mandated NYS assessment is designed to measure English language proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing for all English Language Leaners (ELLs). It is administered in the spring to all K-2 ELLs. It provides information to help determine the levels of English as a new language (ENL) service.
For any additional information on your child’s progress on assessments, please reach out to the classroom teacher.